Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What are your smarts?

Schools kill creativity

I have been curious about creativity, using creativity in teaching. That is also the reason why I decided to take this doctoral level course in "effective strategies for college teaching". In this video, Sir Ted Robinson explains how the education system, in it's full hierarchy is killing the creativity of the students. He further illustrates this point by sharing a story of Gillian Lynne , a choreographer (Cats the musical) who, when she was a little child was suggested to have a learning disability because she could not sit still. Later, her mother finds out that she learns through movement (dance). I remember going to school in the what they call the "highest level" (yes, their is hierarchy in Education all over the world), meaning Latin! I believe I spent only a few months there before someone suggested to my mother that I could not sit still so perhaps I should go to a different school. It was not because I wasn't smart, it was because the teaching style used did not parallel my learning style. I tried but could not grasp many of the concepts used in class. I was a more conceptual learner, needed to understand why things worked the way they worked. But, I loved learning! I just could not learn the way "they" wanted me to learn (through memorization, not understanding). This video is interesting to me because it hits home! The bottom line is that all student have talents, and, how you can reach out towards the student in a way so they can use their talents/smarts to learn is a attribute every teacher must posses. It is creative teaching!

What are your smarts?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Call it Physical Education 2.0!

I love Physical Education and everything that goes with it. And I believe that the Web 2.0 goes with it! In fact, I think we can enhance the physical education environment if we connect it to the web through a various number of ways. Lately I have been thinking about how I can verbalize my area of research and how I want to specialize within PE as I go through my doctorate and begin multiple pilot studies. Here are only a few idea in how I see PE evolve as a subject to address the needs of the students, teachers, teacher educators and researchers.

1) Social Networks in PE: Motivation galore! Multiple social network sites encourage people to be active. They help you track your activity and nutrition and create a space to connect with others. Social networks can also assist with classes in PE that are online.
Right now I am exploring a few of them:
- www.gyminee.com provides opportunities to track your workouts, get gymbuddies and track your nutrition! Also you can set goals and commit to challenges that can push you to your goal. This Fitness class I will sample it with a group of my fitness students.
- www.dailymile.com provides a space to track the mileage you do every day whether it is running, walking or biking. You can set goals and create group competitions. You can let people know about the races out there, log and blog and meet people who also enjoy these activities.
- www.wowy.com is specifically for those doing beachbody programs such as Chelean Extreme or P90X to motivate each other, work out together and track nutrition and workout routines.
There are many others and over the next few months I will explore the net and create a list!

2) Wikis in PE: Collaboration in PE can and should happen for several reasons.
- Online textbooks can be created for each physical activity and for health the students are learning in school. They can have an elementary, middle school and high school book. Or even for each grade. I think it is important that students start to think and learn about what a sport actually involves. Using a wiki can extend the learning experience. They can explore the history, rules, equipment and even the bio mechanics of playing a game!
- Collaborating on games. Inventing games is an area that has shown many benefits as far as taking social responsibility within a group. By using a wiki, students can collaborate on games and learn to be creative. Their work does not just go on a piece of paper and in the garbage after it is graded! No, their work will be published and can be used later, modified, added on and played by people all over the world.
- PETE: wikis can be used in the same way with pre-service teachers. They can create lesson plans alone or together. They can build on each other ideas and enhance their knowledge in didactics by writing down their thoughts and experience on teaching, evaluating each others' lesson plans and building on these. Since I started using wikis in higher education, I have found them to be extremely useful in grabbing the students attention to the theory, history and mechanics behind the sports. My students started to learn more than I could ever offer in my course. They start to learn things they are interested in and that connect them with the sport which can create an appreciation for the sport at various levels. For example, students may not enjoy the activity but they love history. Once they start exploring the history of the sport, they start to gain an appreciation of it and this may encourage them to try it. They can later share their knowledge with the class. Wikis create an excellent foundation to teach to multiple intelligences and I do believe that is why most students enjoy using them.

3) Blogging in PE: You can start to blog early on in life! In fact, students as young as Kindergarten or first grade begin to blog about physical activity, nutrition and health and gain several benefits. They learn to reflect on these activities, they learn to communicate their needs and wants, they learn to comment and they practice literacy skills! Blogging can be beneficial at any stage in someones life. As for PETE programs, teacher candidates can blog during their internship, read each others' blogs, comment, reflect and share experiences.

Ok, This is just a beginning. I need to explore these areas and perhaps I need to specialize even more but I am now sure that this is an area worthy of my inquiry!
In the end, it would be great to develop an online program for PE students in schools or university that encompasses all the above aspects into one network!
If you have any suggestions related to these topics, please do leave a comment. Also, if you know of an interesting link to PE, teaching PE, blogs on PE, Social Networks related to fitness and health and wikis on PE, please share!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Something in the air? It's Excitement!

I don't know what it is but I am excited about something! I think that my fitness program (Chalean Extreme) has a positive influence on my mood. I have been doing Chalean for almost 2 weeks now and I feel great. I also feel as if I am stronger and happier! I get things done now.
The other reason is probably because I am starting the new semester and have had contact with several people through twitter, Facebook and peers from school. I guess I just missed contact with people, more personal contact. I spent the last 4 weeks (except for Christmas) mainly by myself and I and I realize that that is not necessarily a good thing. I need people around me, not all the time but my desire to teach drives my will to continue living the good life. I usually teach skiing during the winter holidays but did not do that this time so not being able to teach affects me greatly. I think that creating my fitness syllabus got me excited about teaching again.
I am also excited that I will be going out to Mountain View, AR to go hike/run on trails. I love to be active in nature, it just makes me feel so lucky that I am healthy and alive. I can be out there running/walking for several hours, take a picnic and camera and just be out there. Enjoying being in the moment is an awesome feeling. Also, the purity of moving for several hours out in the open is thrilling to say the least. I remember going out to the Appalachian trail and standing on top of a rock with nothing but green around me. Wow. People often take nature for granted but I don't, I love nature and want to enjoy it for many many years to come. So, lesson: preserve, protect, conserve, respect, recycle and WALK TO SCHOOL/WORK! (That's just a note to my students :)

Can a Fitness Concepts Class enhance students fitness level in 8 weeks?

The challenge I brought to myself! I am teaching my fitness concepts class in an active way and would like to know if my classes can encourage students to be fit, to keep a fitness plan going for 8 weeks and to enhance their fitness. At the same time, I do lecture about fitness during the active sessions, plus the students are required to read the chapters and do quizzes on them so I want to see if their knowledge of fitness is enhanced as well.

How will I do this? Well, must get ethics approval first. But second all students will have a pre and post fitness assessment. In addition I would like to send out a little survey where students can comment on which sessions they enjoyed the most and whether or not they thought the fitness class encouraged them to be active on off days. For extra credit, I will ask students to sign up for gyminee that will track their progress in workouts and nutrition.

I hope some students will want to add the workouts to the program as we create a community of students who want to get fit! I have only 25 students this time so a great way to try it out and see what works. I want to later do it again with my two courses in March that will each have 25 students so that should provide me with a good estimate on whether or not what I am doing is helping the students get fit and get motivated to be and stay fit!

The reason why I am thinking about is (read last blogpost) is because I have taught the course before and yes the students learn the concepts of fitness but what are they worth if they do not apply them? I do not see that the course inspires people to get fit while we have a great opportunity to at least try to get them active. There are about 16 slots of fitness concepts taught each semester so that is reaching 400 students! That is 800 students per year! And if other students like the course, they will let their friends know. I really want the undergrad students to enjoy being active so they can adopt a "physical" lifestyle.

If you have any suggestions on what the survey would look like, please let me know. I have to design that soon so I can get ethics approval. Other suggestions are welcome too of course! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Teaching Fitness!

As I begin the new semester, I am trying to make the courses I teach easy on me but here is the problem, I really want my students to learn something so I do end up putting a lot of work into the courses I teach. More so probably than the courses I take. That may be a bad thing in grad school but oh well. I am all about improving teaching practices and trying out new and different tools so here I go. In the fitness course I teach I will be taking a practical approach. The students and I will explore different ways on getting fit in an active way. The theory, let's say fitness principles behind it I will teach while they are active. I say let's practice what we preach and perhaps I can motivate some students to get active! I don't think talking about fitness gets people active. I think experiencing different fitness programs/exercises can perhaps spark some interest. I am still working on all the classes but I am going to offer 3 classes per week focused on weight training, cardio and flexibility. Starting from going to the gym and doing it the way most people do it to exploring some of the programs people are doing right now such as P90X, Chalean Extreme, Pilates, Yoga, Hyperfitness, Interval Training, bosu ball, stability ball exercises,... It is not like I will sell these products but as I am using some of their exercises I will mention this to the students and on my website I can provide links so if they are interested, they can buy them.
Talking about Chalean Extreme, I have been using it for 1.5 weeks. I really like it thus far, it seems like it is just up my alley. 45 min workouts based on weight training but heavier weights and lesser reps to force muscle fatigue. Her motto is: muscle burns fat!
Check out my fitness concepts class wiki: Fitness!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Check this out! I just think it is hilarious! Knowing that I teach fitness and I want the fitness class to be more practical, I am looking at a variety of workouts! How about the wii fit?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Creative teaching in PE?

"Being creative as a teacher means that you must imagine the child within the environment and explore it with them."

Are you born creative or can creativity be learned?

"A study by George Land reveals that we are naturally creative and as we grow up we learn to be uncreative. Creativity is a skill that can be developed and a process that can be managed. Learning to be creative is akin to learning a sport. It requires practice to develop the right muscles, and a supportive environment in which to flourish. Business leaders are increasingly adopting the principles and practices of art and design to help build creative muscle in their organizations."

This question has many implications for teacher education!

  • Should we be teaching teacher candidates the art of being creative? And how?
  • What consists of being creative as a teacher?
  • Can you be an effective teacher without creativity?
  • How can we instill creativity in PE teachers?
  • How important is creativity and non-creativity in PE?
  • Can creative teaching be taught by teaching in creative ways during PETE programs? If so, are we doing that? And what can be done to enhance this type of teaching?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Long overdue! My Christmas / New Years' letter!

Reflecting on the year that has passed is not easy and actually, to be quite honest, I tried to avoid writing this letter even though I wanted to do it and need to do it. Why? I guess it helps me to wrap up the year and celebrate what I have done in order to embrace where I am today and set goals to where I must go next. If that makes sense.

2008 was a FULL year I would say and it was full of ups and downs. More and more I am realizing that I always tend to take the rough road, or shall we say I prefer trails than pavement. If there are two choices I always tend to go for the most challenging, different or "extreme" path. And sometimes I must learn to be satisfied with the even road. Maybe that can be a 2009 goal. In 2008, as a new year began many other new beginnings happened. I opened my heart to a new man (yes it is still open :), I wrote a Masters thesis in English (first time), I moved to a new place (Arkansas, for all my MB friends, I was hiking today with only 1 shirt and had to pull my sleeves up because it was too hot!), I met new friends, I started a new program of study and I dove into a new physical activity (trail running). With new beginnings there must always be closures as well even though I don't think anything is ever finished, completed, final. But I did have to say goodbye of my friends in MB whom I hope to see again in the spring. I also had to leave the University of Manitoba, specifically the PE department where I learned a lot and received a lot of support, mainly from my mentor, advisor and friend Joannie. I miss her a lot as well. I completed a masters which made me happy and even though I know exactly what I want to do later in life (teach future PE teachers), I still seem lost as to the area I wish to specialize in because I have many interests: teaching PE, effective teaching practices, basic movement skills, motivation, fitness, technology in PE, web collaboration, social networking, teaching games for understanding,... It is always the same thing! On one hand scholars specialize, on the other hand, I want to know about a lot of things in PE, not just one area so picking one research idea is difficult. Right now I am a little bit overwhelmed but I think (well, I hope) that my spring courses may spark some interest in the specifics. One aspect that I am missing is someone to discuss my ideas, to help me stay grounded and focused and to challenge my mind, just as Joannie once did. A mentor, advisor, here in Arkansas, I have yet to find. Perhaps I should look beyond and find one online.

Now there is an idea! Twitter that! Help needed: mentor/advisor needed in the area of PE and the Internet! I will try that! I can a lot accomplished on twitter so who knows.

Speaking of twitter, in 2008 I have learned to use many new tools on the Internet. Besides Twitter, wikis would be my favorite. The NING network I am exploring to spark more interactions between students. SLN like blackboard, Angel and webct I have used. Ustream, audacity, wordle, Jing, blogging, ... I have really enjoyed learning and when I do, I try to connect each tool to PE so I can see how these tools can enhance learning in PE, which is one of my areas of research. I think I take on too many tools and should examine several tools but over a certain amount of time, like 3 months per tool. I think I try to do it all at once which does not work and in fact makes things very blurry. So new 2009 goal: try to connect a new Internet tool to PE every 3 months, do research on it and report on it! Right now I am examining wikis in different capacities so I am sticking with that for the Spring. I am also looking at NING in one course.

The summer of 2008 was interesting, I completed writing my thesis and started July 1st at the University of Arkansas. I did not do my usual New York visit nor did I teach skiing this winter so this has affected my finances. But, I see a light at the end of the tunnel now that I have found a roommate who will split the rent with me. That is awesome! I am also looking forward to getting to know her better in 2009.

It is no wonder that my mind has been overloaded now that I realize that I did not stop working (meaning school stuff, research) until the Christmas holiday. So this holiday has been about moving (physically) and reading (book non related to school work) and relaxing! I have started a new workout program to try to meet my activity goal of year 2009! In April, I am still planning on entering the 50K trail running race. Even though I am re-starting my running plans for the 3rd time, I am confident that I am going to meet that goal. Stay tuned!

What 2009 will bring I do not know but I hope I give myself more time to breathe. New courses and new plans but hopefully a bike (as I want to start biking this spring) and perhaps a vacation to Belgium. I really feel like I crammed 3 years into 2008 and I do not want that for 2009! Let's start going on slower roller coasters, not the fast ones with 5 loops but perhaps one with 2 loops. Slowing down seems important to my survival! haha

Summing up my 2009 goals:

- Slow down, Learn to relax and have fun being relaxed

- Run and complete the 50K

- Get a bike

- Go to Belgium

- Find a mentor

- Keep learning

- Keep moving

- Get better at teaching!

I wish everyone an active 2009!

Exercise of the Day