Friday, April 2, 2010

Be careful what you wish for! Meet Duvel!

I believe a week went past after writing the last post (the one on wanting to get a dog) and having my wishes answered. As P and I were running on the trail in Fayetteville, a little puppy appeared a bit alone. He was left at a grassy area in the back of an apartment building that bordered the trail. We went around the building seeing if anyone just missed him but a couple in the building mentioned that they saw someone drop it off and left.
It angered me to know that people would do that because you can just call someone and they will come and get your puppy. Anyway, my luck but talking about bad timing! The next day I was bound to leave for Indianapolis for the AAHPERD conference! While I was on route I decided on a name. Duvel, a piece of Belgium and a wonderful beer full of spark :) I thought it would be appropriate.
I took him home and took this picture:
 While I was in Indianapolis, Katie took care of Duvel. Thank goodness for her! I did not know what I would have done without her. Duvel had fun with two lab/great dane mixes. But he stands his own as he believes he is a big dog!

After the AAHPERD conference I spent the week in Little Rock with Duvel where he loved the back yard of Dougs' house. He absolutely loves the outdoors! He also loves to walk and run on the trails.
Duvel is now about 9 to 10 weeks and is in puppy preschool. He still loves visiting his brother Samson and Sister Maggie and enjoys being loved. He is by far the most adorable dog ever and when he looks at you with those eyes you would be sold!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I would like a dog please



Lately, as I got my allergies in check, I have been thinking about getting a dog. I think everybody in grad school deserves to get a dog. I believe that we often get too caught up with writing and studying and researching and teaching that we forget about movement and the outdoors. Dogs can make you more aware of what is valuable in life. Like going out for a walk, taking a stroll into town or visiting a dog park. I read somewhere that dogs on campus, around students can relieve stress! Now there it is! I need one, especially in my dissertation year! I realize the large responsibility that pets hold but I also believe that at times we (well, I) put too much stress on schoolwork 24-7 that having another responsibility would be good for me. Also, I would not be lonely and I would be able to talk to someone all the time (without him/her talking back thinking I am going crazy :). Dogs always seem happy and they can put life in perspective as they show how they enjoy the simplest things in life such as a pat on the back, a backrub, a walk, a treat. Dog loves to play and enjoy being outside and I believe if people would play and go outside more they are likely to be happy. I would like two dogs, that way I would not feel so bad if I leave one by himself for the day (or herself). I’d like a bigger one that can run and run and run (he/she can run with Doug) and a smaller one they enjoys running and walking but also loves to cuddle and be on my lap :) (just for me). As we went climbing today we saw three dogs and the little one on my lap appeared to be very shy (as the lady told me) but really seemed to like me so she was on my lap for awhile. Another one kept running around and was a large labradoodle, wow was he ever cute! And he is hypo-allergenic which is sweet! So, I am on the lookout for a dog…

Exercise of the Day