Starting my dissertation planning! The Notebook!
After one year of probing and searching of how to formulate my thoughts on my dissertation research project, I have made the plunge! On this day, July 25th, I bought my official "dissertation notebook" from Barnes and Nobles. I went there to buy a book to read on the plane to Belgium but came back with THE notebook.
I think it is quite appropriate as well. It has a lot (yes a lot) of pages for me write my thoughts in about my dissertation. I thought, now that I have my idea and some concrete research + guiding questions, I must write it down in an official "dissertation" notebook. This makes me very happy because I can say that I have made the first steps and will share them here with you.
Dissertation topic: The integration of technology in Physical Education Teacher Education.
The need: (learned in my grant writing course that everything should go back to the need, problem, issue, whatever it may be). With the current treat of rising obesity levels among children worldwide, innovative technologies are used to increase the level of physical activity among children within schools (CDC, 2008). With these developments in technology, physical education (PE) classrooms are changing and PE teachers are learning to adapt to this new makeover. According to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and the National Council for Accreditation of teacher Education (NCATE), PE teachers are bound to enhance their programs with alternative life long physical activities and innovative fitness programs to include new technologies.
Purpose: I wish to investigate the use of technology within Physical Education Teacher Education programs as compared to the use of technology by current PE teachers. It is believed that an increase in technologies has occurred so one must know what is currently being used, how is it used and therefore we can assess whether or not PE Teacher Candidates are receiving specific training in technologies that are currently being used in PE.
- To identify and compare the types of technologies currently taught by PE teachers PE faculty within university Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs. - This answers the WHAT!
- To identify and compare the types of technologies PE teachers and PETE faculty "believe" to be taught to PE teacher candidates - I want to find out whether these beliefs are different between the 2 groups because in the end, PETE faculty and current PE teachers must communicate current pedagogical needs to enhance the quality of instruction to future PE teachers.
- To evaluate and compare the current technological proficiency of PE teachers and PETE faculty as well as their beliefs on the technologies that should be taught. - Technological proficiency can be a barrier to implementing technology, this is important to know when evaluating the integration of technology.
- To identify and compare the factors that affect technology utilization of PE teachers and PETE faculty.- WHY are they using or not using certain technologies?
- What are the current technologies taught by PE teachers and PETE faculty and how do these compare?
- What technologies do PE teachers and PETE faculty believe to be important tools to learn in PE?
- What is the current level of technological proficiency of PE teachers and PETE faculty?
- What are the factors that affect the use technology by PE teachers and PETE faculty?
- Create Expert panel to assist in the development of the surveys (PETE conference 2009 - I would like to discuss this option with several potential candidates)
- Pilot survey using the CUPR listserve - Canadian faculty members
- Must find a way to pilot the PE professionals survey as well
- Quantitative analysis and comparisons - correlations (must explore this)
- July - Sept. 2009 : Lit review + survey development
- Oct. 2009: PETE conference - discuss opportunity for expert panel
- Oct-Nov 2009: Revise survey with panel
- Dec. 2009: IRB for pilot study
- Jan. 2010: Send out pilot surveys
- Feb-April, 2010: Collect data and review survey
- July 2010: Complete literature review + write first 3 chapters
- August 2010: Comps (exams)
- August 2010: Research Proposal
- August/Sept. 2010: IRB
- Sept 2010: Send out surveys
- Nov. 2010- April, 2011: Data analysis + Writing Results
- May - June, 2011: Complete writing
- July-Aug. 2011: Defense
Suggestions or Comments anybody?