After a short holiday, we are back at work! I had a lot of fun visiting my family in Belgium. It was a wonderful trip! Even though I had planned to do city trips, drink beer and eat chocolate, I still needed to be active throughout so I ran, lifted weights (hihi) and biked just as these pictures attest.

Even though I stayed fairly active, I did gain a few pounds for living the **good** life :) Now that I am back in Fayetteville and work/school starts next week, I am getting back on track! And what better way to jump start my fitness with the fit test in the new "
INSANITY" program. This program is 60 days long and it has a strong cardio focus. Every two weeks you must complete a fit test. The program has a different workout almost every day and uses a lot of plyometrics. This being said, a normal warm-up kills me! So to say the least, you are dripping sweat after only a few minutes and if you think you are about to die, the warm-up comes to an end and the workout begins. It is simple INSANE. However, I am up to the challenge so here I go.
Today, Day 1:

Fit test and here are my results: 8/22/2009
Switch Kicks 83
Power Jacks 52
Power Knees 79
Power Jumps 20
Globe Jumps 9
Suicide Jumps 13
Push Up Jacks 20
Low Plank Obliques 52
I know that probably doesn't mean anything but I think I am weak and unfit right now so I look forward to see what the next two weeks have in store so I can improve those scores!
This Fall semester is going to be insane in every sense of the word so I am ready to dig deeper! Bring it on!