Even though I stayed fairly active, I did gain a few pounds for living the **good** life :) Now that I am back in Fayetteville and work/school starts next week, I am getting back on track! And what better way to jump start my fitness with the fit test in the new "INSANITY" program. This program is 60 days long and it has a strong cardio focus. Every two weeks you must complete a fit test. The program has a different workout almost every day and uses a lot of plyometrics. This being said, a normal warm-up kills me! So to say the least, you are dripping sweat after only a few minutes and if you think you are about to die, the warm-up comes to an end and the workout begins. It is simple INSANE. However, I am up to the challenge so here I go.
Today, Day 1:
Switch Kicks 83
Power Jacks 52
Power Knees 79
Power Jumps 20
Globe Jumps 9
Suicide Jumps 13
Push Up Jacks 20
Low Plank Obliques 52
I know that probably doesn't mean anything but I think I am weak and unfit right now so I look forward to see what the next two weeks have in store so I can improve those scores!
This Fall semester is going to be insane in every sense of the word so I am ready to dig deeper! Bring it on!
1 comment:
CONGRATS!! I'm in week 3. I LOVE IT.
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