Day three was all about the team. I started the lesson by allowing them to play a bit until all students were there. Once it was time to begin, I organized the group of students into their teams. Each class holds 4 teams with 4 to 5 students in each team. Each team has a coach, manager, fitness trainer, official and player. The player will take on the job of students who are absent if that happens. During the first day I took the students through the routine of the day.
I started off showing students the exercises on the fitness cards and the fitness leader lead them through the card they picked. Next, I told the students to join their coach and go over anything we talked about the last day. Because we did not learn any physical skills yet, the students went over the history of badminton.
I really like the inclusion of this coaching session because it helps those who were absent to catch up without having the teacher spend extra time with the students who were absent outside of class. The students spent a few minutes on the history and then went on to play in their teams.
After about 10 minutes, I explained some of rules and how to serve. Afterwards, the students practiced serving and we finished with a contest on serving between the four teams.
Most students were very active during the games and seemed to be having a good time.
In the second class I did have an unequal creation of a team where a student dropped the class due to being injured and so one team ended up with 3 students. At that point I asked a student to switch teams. I wanted to see what the other student would say and he said he rather stay with his team as he already got to know them. I thought that was really cool!
So we were able to solve the issue by having a student who had been absent before join the other team. She did not mind it as she was new in the class. I rather not change people between teams so I want to make sure next time I take this into consideration. I usually have students who during the first week do not show up or end up never showing up, or drop the class after a week.
I have thought about this and think that these issues may turn up every time so I either deal with them as they come up or I only create teams after the 2nd week.
Next class the students will go through the routine on their own for the first time and we will learn how and when to do a clear.
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