Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A collaborative Masters Thesis? Why not?

I am excited and anxious at the same time. Tomorrow I am flying to Vancouver to present my poster at the TGfU (Teaching Games for Understanding) Conference. I will be presenting the whole day on Thursday. This poster outlines the findings of my research for my thesis.
I will, if I have an hour, write about my first two years of graduate school, well 1.5 years as I started Jan 2007 and it is now May 2008.
I will take a picture of my poster and post it below. The title of my poster is: Wikis and TGfU: A collaborative approach to games education.
I began making this poster about a month ago after my data analysis. It is amazing how much thought can go into a poster and how much revising it needs. You think it is all done and than someone poses a question which makes you think of new or different ideas which in the ends makes you change the content of the poster. From going through this process I wonder about the effects of qualitative research. What I mean by this is that I interpret data a certain way, depended on my own experience and knowledge. The same data may be interpreted differently if analysed by a different researcher. This brings up various vital points.
1. This is often why qualitative research is said to be too subjective and not "true" ( than again, what is true? who says something is true? How can you be sure something is true? Why is the truth necessary in the first place, or better, why do we focus on the truth and not on creating vivid images/interpretations of peoples' perceptions? )
Obviously I am talking about research or studies involving human beings and how they experience certain events. I do see value in mixed studies as well as I see value in quantitative research but I think it is important that the question of study predicts the type of research you will do. I guess in the research, the qual/quan dichotomy has often been seen as a battle, but I believe it should not be looked upon as one. I believe it has nothing to do with whether the methods used or of qualitative or quantitative nature, it has to do with choosing the appropriate method to answer the question you are asking.
2. If two researchers can interpret data in different ways, would it not be an advantage to produce more collaborative research projects, meaning having two researchers conduct, analyse and write up the study together. Making my point, as a graduate student, I think it may be a positive influence to have a collaborate effort. Knowing that is not always possible as you must find two students in the same area. Knowing that can not always be easy is due to the fact that I am the only student in my Faculty interested in PE pedagogy at the moment. But! I do know that a Masters is different than a Doctorate and as from my own experiences and the amount of guidance I have asked for from my committee members, especially my advisor, I think a collaborative Master thesis is something to consider. Just think of the positives:
- collaboration creates communication, reflection and broadening of perspectives.
- more aspects of the study can be explored together rather than asking all your questions to your advisor who obviously often has more than 1 grad student. So unless you were as fortunate as me, who does have a very good advisor, this may be a positive aspect to collaborative research.
- Two heads together may do more work and push each other, while independent research is often lonely and procrastination is not uncommon.
- In a masters program, you are learning all the trick of the trade, why not do it with two, combine experiences and knowledge and construct new knowledge as you go, individual and collaborative.
- a Masters thesis is a big undertaken and a collaborative project may be less threatening to students. I just know that my decision to commence grad work may have been easier knowing I was going to do a collaborative project rather than an individual one.
- I had a difficult time getting to my research question, collaboration may make this process easier.
- Two mind are stronger than one and growth is greater in the long run as you can learn by your individual involvement but also collaborative.
- Using a wiki will help this process :) Yeah I know, promoting the product! Oh well!
I bet I can come up with many more reasons but as I have to pack for Vancouver I will do that first. Remembering NOT to FORGET my poster! Not tomorrow, not on the plane!!!
That alone will be a big accomplishment!
Here I go!

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