Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thesis Time!

A journey it is and active, yes, I have yet to relax this week. It has been hectic as I am between two conference, dealing with finishing a paper for publication, my thesis and moving to Arkansas. Trying to minimize the cost is a challenge but I will do it.
My thesis writing is going OK. I will know more next week.
My goal, and I must have these short time goals or I go nuts, are:
- Get the structure of the findings done
- Get the free writing done
This by the end of the Congress, which is June 3rd, the day I fly to LR. So I have less than a week, spending most of today on running errands for the move in the hope tomorrow will be a writing day. Thursday I will arrive in Vancouver at 8 am so I hope that I can take most of that day as writing as well.
Friday: New Scholars workshop (am), writing (pm).
Sat/Sun: depending on the writing I will be either writing or doing a few sessions at the conference (which I would prefer but we can not always have what we want, priorities priorities!)
Mon: J. presents so I want to go see that and after that me and C. present as well.
Than I have the rest of the day to discuss the thesis or to write.
Tuesday, I have to travel to LR so not a lot will get done.
And than Starting next Wed it will be writing until it is done!

Is it a roller coaster? yes, up and down, or more like 5 steps forward, 6 steps back, slow process!
Hope I get to express how I am feeling during these trying times, but I may not have time.
Wonder why?

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