Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moving along

I realize that my time is precious and know that every minute counts. As of the start of my program, one of my goals was to keep a balance between work and play. Thus far I have somewhat been successful in this quest. I work hard during the week so I can have my weekend open. However, I also know that if I want to publish, I must put away a few hours per week solely on writing and this has yet to happen.
After several weeks, the process of getting published is slowly coming to an end. Going through the process of receiving the notification of re-submitting my work all the way the final edits last week, it has been interesting and even though I like things done quickly, I must learn to be patient. Once I realized how long it actually takes to get a paper published in a journal, I now understand how long it takes to get a book published. Realizing this makes me think of the meaning of knowledge. Today, if we pick up a new book, it may be that a part of the book is out dated even though it is brand new. This is where the Internet plays a role in creating and sharing content knowledge and that is one reason why using wikis in education can be a powerful tool.
Speaking of patience, I have once again so many ideas for research studies/publications and must stop and think and set priorities! Here are some things I want to do soon, or these are things that I believe can help me along my path to professorship.
1) Write an paper/article from my thesis focus on the technological aspects of using wikis in teacher education, in particular PETE. (Innovate?)

2) Contact Curtis Bonk regarding Blended learning! I am reading his book at the moment and believe that Dr. Bonk can be a wonderful source for me but must think this through before I email!

3) Research idea #1: attendance in PEAC courses - leading into perhaps implementing a hybrid PEAC course (blended learning in Fitness concept?) Attendance seems to be an issue in PEAC courses, which are 8 weeks long. I would like to know which courses have the greatest attendance level, is this determined by the day of the week the course is offered? And are there differences among Freshman, Sophomore, junior, senior? Also, how does attendance in PEAC courses relate to test scores (content knowledge)

4) Research currently doing: Wikis in PEAC. Ch. 1-3 has been written and Ch. 4/5 will be done in course 6403. This is a great (small) research topic to get me emerged in mixed study design. I am starting to understand why statistics can be useful even though I do not believe that in Education, you can strictly use quantitative. I still believe in the voice of the student as being a huge part of the research and therefore understand the values of mixed. I look forward to understand the statistical effects and tests on research.
5) Dissertation idea #1: Sharepoint in PEAC: Sharepoint is a program used by the Uark and it combines social network with a wiki and a blog. I am now learning how to create this network by attending several workshops this month. I will see if it is feasible to create a network by Jan to try it out, if not, I will stay with Pbwiki and perhaps NING for the Spring and move over the Sharepoint next Fall. The idea is to create a network for ALL PEAC course students/instructors to use in their classes. I would like to see whether using a network such as this one can enhance learning of the concepts behind the activity being taught through the creation of an e-textbook. If I use this for my thesis, I would like to do a pilot next Fall in order to write up my first 3 chapters. But of course this is NOT my only dissertation idea. Go figure!

6) Dissertation idea #2: PETE and the inclusion of Web 2.0 tools. First I would like to view all the syllabus from all the courses PETE students are required to take. Than I would like to assess these and try to find ways to implement web 2.0 tools that may enhance the learning of the concepts taught in that particular course. Afterwards, evaluating the process. First idea: Practicum class uses a personal journal. To enhance inquiry/reflection, I would like to incorporate a blog and/or discussion board to increase the amount of reflection and critical thinking while participating in a practicum. Second idea: teaching games: building on what I have done in Manitoba. Teaching basic movement skills, creating new games and learning about models in teaching sports/activities and the use of wikis in this process to encourage collaboration, reflection, inquiry and scaffolding.

7) I need to read more! I seem to be too busy with teaching/classes I forget I must read! That is also the reason why I would like to email Dr. Bonk. I would like to ask him for a reading list in Blended learning, or web-enhanced learning. I find that there is so much information and I am looking for experts in the field of social networking, web 2.0 tools, wikis and blogs so I can create a reading course in preparation for my dissertation/ pilot study. I think that would be handy.

8) I am presenting this Fr. in Little Rock on Basic Movement Skills. I am interesting in finding out how my interaction with Arkansas PE teachers will go. I will also be presenting in AAHPERD, Florida in 2009. May do two, one is already set: using wikis in PE or PETE- a workshop of 2 hours! I am excited! The other one may be a poster that will come out of the current PEAC study. I also applied to go to CAHPERD in Banff and would like to find a conference in Web 2.0 tools - yet much is online.

9) Currently taking 3.5 courses. I say .5 because I am taking a 6 week online course through the U of M discussing learning for the future. It has to do with using Web 2.0 tools in university courses. All my courses so far are going well.

10) Want to take 4 courses in the spring: stats 6403, adapted II, Supervision in PE, Effective college teaching. That should be interesting!

11) Creating the H.O.G.S. Website - job I have to do as part of the student group within the department. Just need to find the time.

Doing too much?

After all this I am still trying to figure out how I can keep it all up financially. That is not easy but I knew that coming in. The most frustrating part of it is the fact that as an international student I can only work using my 50% GA and nothing else. I am willing to work yet I can't. And that really frustrates me. I have gone through this process before in Canada so I will get through it but it still sucks. I am trying to find a job at Christmas but teaching Skiing in Canada may in fact hurt my wallet more than it will fill it up. In stead of worrying though, I must visit the international center and ask about my options! That is step 1. There is a way to work more over the holidays and in the summer, if I can find something before the holidays for the summer I may be able to relax a bit more. Also, I have decided to look for a roommate so that may make it easier. It should!

Well, it is almost 2 am and even though I am used to it, I must get some valuable sleep so I can go run tomorrow morning and work all day until my class that end at 9 pm. Long day ahead! I know this is not my first and will not be my last in a long haul! But I am enjoying my trip! And that is what's important.

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