Friday, August 1, 2008

Web 2.0.

At the moment, I am attending an online summercamp, see This summercamp is for those teachers who wish to design and implement a wiki into their course work. I will use the wiki to organize all my courses and get my students involved in Web 2.0. So far I have learned many new tools, almost too many. I am trying to catch up on all the reading while attempting to try out all these new tools.
One thing is for sure: this summercamp is worth it! I am developing my coursework during these 3 weeks so it is great timing. I have a few more days to go before my university course is completed and than I can focus on the design of my course wiki.
I get really too excited about all of this. At times, it is difficult to shut my mind off at night and I feel I move from one computer to the next throughout my day. I guess it is my choice to focus on wikis within my research, so I just have to deal with it. I love it though.
I have been twittering all day. Started to twitter last year but did not really get into it too much. Now that I am connecting with people who have similar interests than me, it is becoming a highlight of my day!
So today I created that video below, used twitter, installed tweetdeck, listened in to a web seminar on using digital storytelling, did my homework for week 2, went to a 3 hour class, worked out for 40 minutes, went to Walmart to get food, walked for 40 minutes, created a new wiki, checked email, read my course work material for my night class, and I can keep going. I did do a lot of multi-tasking! Now I am exhausted! Good night!
I can't wait till tomorrow! I am actually not lonely anymore, if anything, this summercamp has given me people to talk to during the day! Thanks!

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